Star Wars, Disability, and the Realities of Lack of Access
Lack of access to essential services can affect the disability community in a plethora of ways. In some cases, that includes lack of access to go see Star Wars.
Lack of access to essential services can affect the disability community in a plethora of ways. In some cases, that includes lack of access to go see Star Wars.
Inspiration porn is out of control. Disabled people are being violated daily by those without disabilities. Our right to consent over our bodies and our wishes
Disabled people are not special snowflakes that need you to say hi to them to make yourself feel better. We are human beings with complex emotions just like everyone else. So if you wouldn’t say hi to a non-disabled person, don’t bother saying hi to me.
Those society deems to be female (women, girls, some trans individuals) are held to much different, more stringent standards that those who are seen as men. This has to change.
Labeling all Muslims as dangerous and possible terrorists is harmful and unfair to the many peaceful Muslims just wanting to live their lives.
For people who have been bullied as children, especially in school, adding people you went to school with on social media can often be a challenging process.
Disabled people have long been called objects of inspiration. We need to change the dialogue to show that while some people can be inspiring, it is not because they get out of bed each day.
I recently saw an article from a few years ago re-emerge in my Facebook feed. I instantly knew I was not going to like the article, which I apparently (luckily) missed when it was first published. The article was written on a website called Rolling Without Limits, and the site…