Disclosure Statement

The following disclosure statement is meant to fill you in on the various articles that are written by Dom Evans on this website, and/or any potential guest postings that appear on this website. In this statement, it is the main purpose to be upfront and honest about how things are done in relation to the pieces he writes, reviews he happens to write and how advertising is handled on this website (www.domevansofficial.com).

domevansofficial.com is the personal blog of Dom  Evans, a 43 year old from MI. If you have any questions about the site, this policy, or Dom, you should send him your questions through the Contact Form. He will get back to you as soon as he possibly can on matters relating to disclosure or questions about this disclosure policy.

In the following sections this policy will discuss opinion based writing, reviews, and advertising. Dom feels it is important for people to understand the types of advertising options that are available and the types of sponsorships he accepts. In order to create a fully functional, successful website he relies on donations, sponsorships, and advertising, in order to build this website on a full time basis.

More information about both advertising and review options are listed below.

Dom allows for various types of advertising on his site. That being said, he is very picky about the types of sites he allows to advertise on domevansofficial.com. He tries to be as selective as possible about the ads that he accepts and the companies that he works with. His readership always comes first and he considers them (all of you) before accepting advertising on his website. If he finds a problem with the services, claims, or products of a business, he will not allow that business to advertise on his website. Despite the fact that he does everything he can to ensure for relationships with quality businesses, Dom is in no way responsible for the content that you find on advertiser’s websites or the experiences that you have when dealing with the businesses advertised on his website.

Additionally, Dom is highly against pop-up forms of advertising, so do not expect those types of ads on domevansofficial.com. Other flat out no-nos include gambling sites, pornography sites, sites that promote hate speech or prejudice, and religious sites. None of these sites are compatible with the vision for domevansofficial.com.

To find out about Advertising on domevansofficial.com visit the Advertising Page.

The majority of the reviews done by Dom on domevansofficial.com are done with products provided to him by the companies that make the products or PR companies representing the manufacturers/distributors of the products. While he receives these products for free, he does consider writing the reviews as work for the reviews and considers the items as a form of compensation. However, he does not work with companies that expect only good reviews because the most important part of reviewing, for Dom, is complete and total, 100% honesty at all times.

During a review, Dom tests out the products to the best of his abilities and writes about his experience, interest, and opinion where the product is concerned. He isalways 100% honest whether he is reviewing something from a PR agency or something he paid for himself. If you happen to have something you want Dom to review, please take note of his honesty policy as he will not cater to your whims when it comes to writing about your company.

Dom NEVER takes products/items/services that he must give good reviews to, in order to receive said product/item/service. He has been known to turn down reviewing products for PR companies or distributors when they request that certain information be presented in the review that sheds a good light on the product/services. It’s his review written his way or nothing at all. Dom also does NOT recommend products/services he has never used personally. His integrity is very important to him.

The majority of the articles written and videos posted on domevansofficial.com are opinion pieces. These are Dom’s opinions. They do not reflect the thought of his company, Literary Illusions or anyone associated with Dom (Ashtyn, Robert, etc.) unless otherwise noted that it is, in fact, that person’s opinion.

By posting comments or sending emails through the contact form on domevansofficial.com you give Dom the right to refer to or re-post said comment/email on his website. However, he will never sell or give your name or email to anyone. No company can buy your email or have access to that or any other private information you wish to disclose in your email to Dom such as real name or contact information. Your comment/email will be listed by first name/screen name if any name is listed at all, though your email address will be omitted. If you wish to email Dom, but don’t want something in the email posted on his site, please let him know. He’ll be happy to accommodate your request.