SMA Awareness Month – Day 22 – Why Saying “Cure” May Harm Your Child
Dominick explores the cure mentality, in relation to caregivers, and how it can affect the self esteem of children with SMA or other disabilities.
Dominick explores the cure mentality, in relation to caregivers, and how it can affect the self esteem of children with SMA or other disabilities.
With new legislation in Michigan that allows bullies to justify their bad behavior and blame it on their religion, it is time for parents to step up and parent their children. Parents need to teach their kids that even those who are different are human and have feelings, too.
I considered adding “is a judgmental prick” to my title, but I decided to leave the potty language for this actual article. I know I’ve written before about various minority groups showing their own prejudices. In a prior article (which I currently cannot find – It might be on one…
It’s hard when kids are cruel. With CT’s disability he is often the target of other kids because he does not understand social behaviors. We want him to socialize as much as possible, but what do you do when others take advantage of the kid who just wants someone to like him?