Well, I have an update. I ended up having part of the surgery I need, as a transgender person, to complete the rest of the physical part of my transition. It was as necessary for health reasons as it was for being a part of my transition. Years ago, back when I still had periods, I had excessive amounts of trouble with them. Being a person with a disability, having this checked by a medical professional often meant a scheduled trip to the ER. Needless to say, I often suffered in silence. Some years ago, I was put on Depo shots to alleviate the discomfort, pain, excessive bleeding, etc.

Dominick with monkey, Jefferson Coconut

Once I started testosterone, I stopped the Depo. I would still have cramping with the Depo, but it intensified with the Testosterone. It was always triggered around the time Ash had her period, and the cramping was excessive. I had a lot of pain, so my doctor sent me to Dr. Keith Watson, a gynecologist known for his use of the Da Vinci laser surgery. Dr. Watson felt the hysterectomy was necessary to alleviate the pain, but also respected me as a male undergoing a transsexual transition. His office was very accommodating, respectful and supportive.

My surgery was rescheduled a few times, but I finally had it on June 28. A twinge of sadness at never being able to create a child from my DNA passed over me, but then I remembered I also carry the SMA gene. I just know a child of mine would have been super smart, creative, and damn cute. Still, there are so many children in foster care who need good homes, so I know I can find a child to love once Ash and I are a bit more settled. I was ready to have everything removed, due to the cancer risk associated with being on Testosterone. I also felt like there were things inside me that did not need to be there, and now, I just feel kind of bloated (due to surgery swelling).

The surgery went well. They had trouble getting my blood pressure down afterwards, so it took a few hours to get me from recovery to a room, but I was so drugged and loopy I really entertained my nurses! I cannot remember a word I said, but I know I kept making them laugh! I got into my room and Ash was waiting. Let me say, Miami Valley Hospital is outstanding and has been since I returned to the Dayton area. They are so friendly towards everyone. Most nurses figured out easily I was male, and they all were incredibly respectful. All but the two youngest nurses (very attractive brunettes – my favorite kind of woman!) had the surgery and they reassured me I would be feeling amazing soon! They thought I was pretty adorable, which means I probably charmed them!

Usually, morphine makes me angry, but I was so jovial after this surgery. Some of the nurses said I was such a delight and such a happy person. They enjoyed helping me. They also were amazed at how my portable Hoyer folded up and at how helpful Ash was. Two nurses came in at 4 AM to help me and she was asleep in the chair. They said, “Oh no! You’ve worn that poor girl out!”

The morphine helped because I couldn’t use a straw (due to gas in my abdomen). It made taking pills difficult, since I cannot swallow well without a straw. Unfortunately, pain medicine made me nauseous. They gave me a shot of anti-nausea meds and that helped, too. I was so uncomfortable with the catheter, I got my doctor to allow them to take it out. Luckily, I was able to urinate shortly after, so I didn’t have to have it put back in. He removed it just a few hours after surgery, because I constantly felt like I had to urinate and it also stung to have it in place.

Day one was the worst for pain. Most of it was due to the gas. It made me feel like I had to fart or have a bowel movement, but nothing would pass. I was able to eat 12 bites of soup on day one, so it didn’t help me pass anything. Day two, I luckily started passing the gas and my pain level went down, a lot. Sitting up in bed helped and I also was able to eat some canned peaches, one chicken quesadilla square and a little bit of mac and cheese. I also have been burping some, which is reliving a lot of the pressure. The resident doctor working with Dr. Watson recommended some Sierra Mist and sure enough I started passing gas shortly after drinking some. Now, I have a bit of heartburn, so I have to take Tums after eating, and I have returned to taking Tramadol (what I take for pain). They prescribed Percoset and Motrin 800, but the Tramadol is smaller and easier for me to take.

Dr. Watson came in on day two. He informed me my uterus was enlarged. This could be a major reason for the cramping, the excessive bleeding and the other side effects I was experiencing. It was good it was removed, because other options of treatment for this would have been hard on me. Also, I do not want any of these body parts anyway! He removed everything – the uterus, tubes, ovaries, and cervix. He also sent me home. We had a bad storm, so I came home to no power. It was uncomfortable and I woke up very hot at 2 AM. Ash put cool cloths on my forehead and the power came on an hour later. I was unable to sleep, so I got online for a little bit. Around 5 AM I was able to pass out and I slept until noon.

Overall, this was the easiest surgery I have had, thus far. I am still sore, but it is amazing how much better I feel just two days later. My abdomen is swollen and I have a lot of healing to endure, but I am grateful to Dr. Watson and the Miami Valley Hospital staff for helping me on the next step in my transition journey and for being so supportive and caring to me! I will keep everyone updated as my condition progresses. Thanks so much and I am already so much happier! The best part is no cramping has occurred thus far!

[tags]surgery, transgender, transsexual, hysterectomy, Da Vinci, Dr. Keith Watson, Miami Valley Hospital, transition, FTM, male hysterectomy, cramping, heavy periods, enlarged uterus[/tags]

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